Course Description

This will help you get prepared for your upcoming Live English Accent Assessment sessions with Accent Pro. 

Inside you'll find all the steps and a checklist to get yourself organized for your first session. 

Additionally, we've added the Cheat Sheet: Top 3 Free Accent Training Tools to Help You Sound Like a Native English Speaker (with Amazing Bonuses).


Trainer & Coach

Camilla Smith, CTDP

Hi, I’m Camilla Smith, Trainer & Coach and Founder of Accent Pro® Institute. I understand frustration with sounding fluent because I’ve been learning 4 languages. Sounding fluent is challenging.Yet, I’ve I mastered special tools and techniques to train myself to be culturally on level and so clear, that native speakers can think I’m fluent! Since 2007 I’ve helped 1000’s of individuals and Fortune 100 companies, Canada’s Top 100 and National Regional Top Employers.Today I'm giving you my entire process on how to sound like a native English speaker. This process is the foundation of my business and the same step-by-step method my clients and I use to get clear, confident & culturally on level, too.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Your First Steps

    • How to Prepare for Your Live Sessions

    • Trainee Assessment - DON'T LOOK AT THIS Until Prompted to in Session. Thank you.

  • 2

    The Top 3 Free Accent Training Tools

    • BONUS: Top 3 Accent Training Tools to Help You Sound Like a Native English Speaker (with Cheat Sheet & Bonuses)